Saturday, November 21, 2015

Out like a light

So I have been known to go through rounds of baby fever where my brain says, "sleeping in is the best," but my ovaries are like, "but lookit da widdle fat cheekies and chubchub legs!!" I'm 26, its biological and it's not my fault. Usually I just wait until my brain is functioning louder than my egg sacs and continue on with my spawn-free life. It doesn't take long. 
A friend of mine asked Lovie and I to watch their kids tonight. C is a 2.5 year old über boy, and A is a precious chunka 5-month-old bebby girl. Honestly, I thought this would be a "dear lord, I hope my uterus shrivels before I ever make one of these nights." Not because I dislike children. I just feel like two at this age spread would be difficult. C has a lot of energy and really enjoys crashing his trucks; usually into your gut. And A is a baby. Poop, eat, cry. 
It was incredibly stressful. A is normally very calm, hardly makes a peep. She wouldn't. Stop. Crying. The down from the gut, to the top of the lungs, actual flowing tears crying. Jon got her to sleep then as soon as she went down into her bassinet she popped awake and freaked out. It went on long enough that C started saying, "will that noise stop? It's really scary!" Poor thing. That's in addition to C being a little ball of boy energy already, so he's running around crashing his ambulance into our legs and stuff. He's not a bad boy, he's just two and a half. (Moms, how do you do this x100 every day?!!!!) 
Eventually A got out a bunch of huge burps and passed out. So I sat in the rocker with her for about an hour. Despite the shrieking from before, and her brother being a little bundle of lightning, I was kind of in heaven. Watching her perfect little peaceful sleeping face and the occasional gasps of air, it was so peaceful that my ovaries were like, "SEE?! You want thiiiiiis!" 
And I finally get around to putting her in the bassinet without her waking up, and her brother is coming up the stairs and says, "I'm sleepy. Can I go to bed now?" Like... what? 
Long story short: I still have baby fever and I really, really need to wait until my brain starts being louder than my reproductive organs again. 

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