Friday, October 23, 2015

Meet the Little Red Hawk

Hello, everyone! Welcome to me, the Little Red Hawk.

I figured I'd say hello, tell you a little bit about me, what this blog is (hopefully) going to be and whatever. 
My name is Heather. I have a husband, Jonathan (aka Jon, Jawn, or Lovie); 
 2 cats, Krieger and Marceline;
and two chickens, Toast and Butters. They're not really pets to me so  I don't have current pictures of them. They're buff orpingtons and they provide my breakfast every day. I work a regular job every day framing artwork. It's a pretty good time. I consider myself moderately health-conscious, fairly bookish, and very unphotogenic. I'm an amalgam of all my experiences and choices made into one person. I don't know, I think I'm pretty okay. 
So what's the blog about? Oh, let's be pretentious for a minute and call it a lifestyle blog. I'll be talking about things I do in my life to improve myself, products that I like using, foods I like to eat. I'll tell you, this blog is brand new, so obviously I'm not sponsored. Any product that I plug is something I'm familiar with and believe in enough to want to share it with you. Even if at some unfathomable point this did become popular enough to be sponsored, I would still only plug something I believe in. You can hold me to that. 😉
So we'll see where this goes. Hopefully it'll be a fun cathartic exercise for me to start writing again. I'll be writing real blog posts post haste and you'll see what I'm really all about. Until next time! 

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